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Continuous rss scrolling

Continuous rss scrolling joomla module will create the vertical scrolling reel gallery in the joomla website using the given rss feed. This will scroll the rss feed title like reel. The title will scroll one by one in the selected position. Using this module we can show any rss feed in our website. No coding knowledge required to configure this plugin.

Superb transition slideshow

Superb transition slideshow joomla module is an image slideshow module that brings each image into view using 1 of N randomly chosen transitional effects in IE browsers. For other browsers that don’t support these built in effects, a custom fade transition is used instead. This module loads the images from the specified folder.

Vertical scroll recent article

Vertical scroll recent article module scroll the article title in the website, the article title scroll from bottom to top vertically. This is the best and fashionable way to show all the latest article to user. No coding language required to setup this module. in the admin we have option to enter article category.

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Continuous rss scrolling

Continuous rss scrolling joomla module will create the vertical scrolling reel gallery in the joomla website using the given rss feed. This will scroll the rss feed title like reel. The title will scroll one by one in the selected position. Using this module we can show any rss feed in our website. No coding knowledge required to configure this plugin.

Superb transition slideshow

Superb transition slideshow joomla module is an image slideshow module that brings each image into view using 1 of N randomly chosen transitional effects in IE browsers. For other browsers that don’t support these built in effects, a custom fade transition is used instead. This module loads the images from the specified folder.

Vertical scroll recent article

Vertical scroll recent article module scroll the article title in the website, the article title scroll from bottom to top vertically. This is the best and fashionable way to show all the latest article to user. No coding language required to setup this module. in the admin we have option to enter article category.

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Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo.

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